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Welcome to Matt's Pickleball! Whether you’re new to the game or just need a refresher, learning how to keep score in pickleball is essential. Scoring in doubles might seem tricky at first, but once you understand the rules, you'll feel confident and ready to enjoy the game. This guide will explain everything you need to know about doubles scoring in the easiest way possible.

Let's jump right in!

Understanding Pickleball Doubles Scoring

In pickleball doubles, each team has two players, and both players on the serving team have the chance to serve before the serve passes to the other team. Here’s a breakdown of how doubles scoring works:

1. Serving Basics

Pickleball uses a traditional scoring system where only the serving team can score points. Here's how serving works:

  • The serve always starts with the player on the right side of the court, known as Server 1.
  • After winning a point, the server switches sides with their partner (right to left, or left to right).
  • The receiving team stays in place until they win the serve back.

2. How to Call the Score

In doubles, the score is called with three numbers:

  1. Your team’s score
  2. The other team’s score
  3. The server number (either 1 or 2)

For example, if your team has 5 points, the other team has 3 points, and you're the second server, you would call the score as "5-3-2."

Important Tip:

Always call the score before serving to avoid confusion and stay aligned with the rules.

3. First Service Rule

At the beginning of each game, only one player from the first serving team serves before the serve switches to the other team. This prevents an unfair advantage at the start of the game. Because of this rule, you’ll call "0-0-2" at the start, where "2" indicates that it’s the second server's turn if the serve is lost.

4. What Happens After Losing a Serve?

Each team has two serving chances before the serve passes to the other team:

  • Server 1 serves from the right and continues until they lose a rally.
  • Then Server 2 (the player on the left) takes over and serves until they lose the rally.
  • After Server 2 loses the serve, it’s called a side-out, and the other team gets to serve.

5. Switching Sides

The serving team switches sides (right to left, left to right) after scoring each point, but the receiving team does not switch sides. This rotation continues until the serving team loses their rally and it’s the other team's turn to serve.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pickleball Doubles Scoring

1. Can you score points when receiving a serve?

No, only the serving team can score points. If the receiving team wins a rally, they get the serve back but do not earn a point.

2. What happens when both servers lose a rally?

When both servers on a team lose their rallies, it’s called a side-out, and the serve passes to the other team. The player on the right side of the new serving team will serve first.

3. Why do we say "0-0-2" at the start of the game?

At the start of a game, only one player serves for the first team. The "2" means that the serve will switch to the other team after the first server loses the rally.

4. Do you switch sides after every point?

Only the serving team switches sides after they score a point. The receiving team stays in their positions until they win the serve back.

5. How do I know if I should serve from the right or left side?

It’s easy! Just remember:

  • If your team’s score is even, serve from the right side.
  • If your team’s score is odd, serve from the left side.

6. What happens if I serve from the wrong side?

If you serve from the wrong side, it’s considered a fault, and your team loses the serve. Always check the score to make sure you're on the correct side before serving.

Cheatsheet for Doubles Scoring in Pickleball

Here’s a quick reference guide to help you keep score easily during doubles play:

1. Serving Basics:

  • Even Score: Serve from the right side.
  • Odd Score: Serve from the left side.
  • Only the serving team can score points.

2. Calling the Score:

  • Use three numbers: Your score, their score, and your server number.
  • Example: If the score is 4-3 and you're the second server, call "4-3-2".

3. First Service Rule:

  • At the start of the game, call "0-0-2" to indicate that the first server only serves once before a side-out occurs.

4. Switching Sides:

  • The serving team switches sides after each point.
  • The receiving team stays in their spots.

5. What Happens After Losing a Serve?

  • Each team gets two servers:
    • First server: serves until they lose a rally.
    • Second server: serves until they lose the rally.
  • After the second server loses the rally, a side-out occurs, and the serve goes to the other team.

Wrapping Up

Now that you understand the basics of pickleball doubles scoring, you’re ready to hit the court with confidence. Remember to stay on top of the score, switch sides when necessary, and call the score correctly before every serve.

If you’re ever unsure, just remember these key points:

  • Even score = Serve from the right.
  • Odd score = Serve from the left.
  • Announce three numbers: your score, their score, and your server number.

Get out there, have fun, and enjoy the exciting game of pickleball!

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This paddle was purchased by me for the purpose of this review. All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my personal experience with the product.
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